
3 Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Published on September 7th, 2018

When you turn your loved one’s care over to a nursing home, it can be a scary process. You want to be able to find a place that you can trust. Thankfully, our nursing home abuse lawyer in Joliet understands the warning signs that a particular nursing home may not be the best choice for you and your family. Be aware of these warning signs.

Physical or Emotional Changes

You know your loved one better than anyone. Is there anything different about them either physically or emotionally? While yes, it is normal to lose memory function as you get older, your caregiver should be paying close attention to your loved one’s needs. If you visit and they seem fearful or withdrawn, this is a bad sign. You should also look for physical changes including weight loss, unexplained ulcers, skin tears or other startling signs.

Deflected Questions

When you ask the staff a question, they should be able to give you a direct answer. If most of your questions are being answered with something like “I’m not sure,” this is a sign that that something is wrong. The staff plays a huge role in what your loved one’s experience is like, so make sure that they are professional and attentive.

Your Gut Feeling

The saying that your gut is your second brain is true. If you have a feeling that something is not going the way it should be, don’t hesitate to switch to another home and call our nursing home abuse lawyer in Joliet as soon as possible.

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